Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Last Day of Black History Month...but Not the Last For Black History

Notable author, Richard Wright's "A Native Son," was published in 1940.

February 27

In 1883, Walter B. Purvis patented the hand stamp AND

Maria Anderson born in 1902 in Philadelphia, PA, renowned opera singer and first African-American soloist to perform at the White House

Thursday, February 26, 2009


By Maya Angelou
A hater is someone who is jealous and envious and spends all their time trying to make you look small so they can look tall. They are very negative people to say the least. Nothing is ever good enough!

When you make your mark, you will always attract some haters ...

That's why you have to be careful with whom you share your blessings and your dreams, because some folk can't handle seeing you blessed...

It's dangerous to be like somebody else..If God wanted you to be like somebody else, He would have given you what He gave them! Right?

You never know what people have gone through to get what they have...

The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but they don't know my story...If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you can rest assured that the water bill is higher there too!

We've all got some haters among us! Some people envy you because you can:
A) Have a relationship with God
B) Light up a room when you walk in
C) Start your own business
D) Tell a man/woman to hit the curb (if he/she isn't about the right thing)
E) Raise your children without both parents being in the home

Haters can't stand to see you happy. Haters will never want to see you succeed. Most of our haters are people who are supposed to be on our side. 

How do you handle your undercover haters? You can handle these haters by:
A) Knowing who you are and who your true friends are (VERY IMPORTANT)
B) Having a purpose to your life: purpose does NOT mean having a job. You can have a job and still be unfulfilled.  
A purpose is having a clear sense of what God has called you to be. Your purpose is NOT defined by what others think about you. 
C) By remembering what you have is by divine prerogative and not human manipulation

Fulfill your dreams! You only have one life to live..when it's time to leave this earth, you want to be able to say, "I've lived my life and fulfilled my dreams, now I'm ready to go HOME!"

When God gives you favor, you can tell your haters, "Don't look at me...look at who is in charge of me..

"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blame It On Mardi Gras...

...for my lack of posts for the last five days.
My best friend and I left for New Orleans on Friday and drove back to Atlanta on Monday. Man, did we enjoy ourselves. Saturday was fun! It was our first day on the town and we just mingled and worked our way through and on Bourbon Street. We got our beads! Now, I must give credit to my best friend, she worked for her beads! But, Mardi Gras (or what we experienced) wasn't like everyone says. We were given beads just for the hell of it. People were just throwing beads left and right. My best friend kissed a guy and gave her number out for her beads. She got some good ones too. Whereas, I was just getting beads by asking. *giggle*

Now, Sunday had to be the best day. We enjoyed ourselves more that day and got more beads. We were on Bourbon and went in more places earlier than the day before. We hung out on Bourbon all day. It was fun just being around your loved ones, experiencing once in a lifetime (possibly) moments and watching the people act a fool for Mardi Gras.

Now, Mardi Gras day was yesterday, so maybe it was worse. But, we encountered nothing harmful (not saying we couldn't have), but we weren't sexually harassed and the other myths and rumors you hear that goes on during Mardi Gras. So, I guess we celebrated Mardi Gras weekend!

So, we left New Orleans about 2am and arrived back to Atlanta at 10am (no we don't drive slow! We stopped twice). I was DEFINITELY pushing 100 mph. (shHhHhh...MY secret). But since I arrived, I had to go straight to work then, since my best friend is still in town, we went grocery shopping, cooked and I went to sleep at about 11pm. I had to wake up at 6:45am for an 8am class and attend other classes til' 3pm and to finish my day off, I had to work til' 6pm. So, that's been my daily routine since I've been back. No sleep! Which is why I also haven't blogged. But, here are pictures!

Enjoy...we sure did!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

My BEST friend is HERE!

My best friend is here! My best friend is here! HERE...I mean in Atlanta with me.

Although, I was just at home in California last weekend, I am excited because we are off to Mardi Gras with my big brother today!

It's going to be so much fun! Her and I together are untouchable, unstoppable and have soo0ooo0oooo0o0o0o0o much fun. (enough o's can't even explain the FUN we're going to have). When we go out together, we PARRRrRrRrrRrRRRrrtTtTt-aAaaYYyYYyY.. *hysterical laughing* and NOW we're in Atlanta together and going to New Orleans. Oh, it's so over!

Shall post adventures soon!

Pure DisRespect

The New York Post......*shaking my head*

Now, I heard about the chimpanzee attacking this lady. Everywhere I went the papers said 'attacking its owner,' but I read the story and it was actually the owner of the chimp's friend. The story. But on the 18th of this month, a cartoonist by the name of Sean Delonas drew a comic cartoon that brought criticism, racists accusations and another thought to viewers' minds.

President Obama was to review the stimulus package this President's Day, well after this day, the cartoon was posted on The New York Post's "Page Six."

Now, of course, we all know President Obama does not write the stimulus bill. But, Obama does sign and approve the bill, must live with knowing he signed a bill that could ruin his country and continue his reign as president for the next 4-8 years after signing the bill. Why would one take it as the police in the cartoon shooting President Obama?

When I first saw the cartoon, of course I took it as a racial issue due to the fact that African-Americans have been depicted as "monkeys, chimps, apes" for the longest time, dating back to racism days. An African-American was compared to an ape from the day apes and their family (monkeys, chimps, gorillas) were discovered. Which also brings me to this point, in high-school, I learned about the hominid, Lucy.
Hominids have been around for many, many years. I wish I knew how long, but they were really found in Africa. Which is where African-Americans ancestry runs very strong. Hominids correlate with today's human. From hominid to human is the evolution; the structure of the face, the walking upright, the neck structure and so on. We, as humans were once hominids also known as apes. Lucy was found in Ethiopia; an African country. She was compared to the human.

Although, as time progressed the ape was soon identified as an African-American only; insulting. In the past, African-Americans were depicted as an ape, they were called monkeys, "you monkey-looking Nigger!" All types of insults and disrespect! Go Google "the evolution of the ape
and see what'll show. Since everything is initiated from Africa, it is pointed right back to African-Americans. *shaking my head* I apologize to my people for this history and evolution being blamed on US.

So, many wonder why African-Americans who viewed the cartoon took it as a racial insult. Simply because, we, as African-Americans know the history of our people and the evolution of the ape and comparison of the ape and US, we know what the cartoon meant, really.

The New York Post received so many comments on that cartoon, it was all over the radio here in Atlanta, it was wide-spread. So, they apologized two days later. The apology.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today was a Good Day

Well, I received very good news today and I decided to share it with my best friend. So, I am off to Mardi Gras this weekend to visit my brother and enjoy my break with my best friend out of town. We have never been out of town together. We are probably going to act a fool!

But, I decided to blog about it because I was excited the whole day! Nothing ruined my day and I was definitely grateful for that.

The Lord makes wonderful things happen and I thank him from the bottom of my heart. My gratitude is shown!

Monday, February 16, 2009

SoOOoOo Racial!!

So, I'm sure many have heard that Olympian, Michael Phelps was caught photographed with a bong last November. Well, why would anyone else have a bong in their hand? Just to take a picture? No! This man was a user of marijuana; he had to be.

So, of course, one the picture began to surface the world, he was arrested on and a lot of his endorsements were taken away from him and so on. Well, when signing on to the Internet and going straight for, it's an article about Phelps saying his charges were dropped. What the heck?!? Like, seriously?

This man is seen with a bong, admitted he was the one in the picture and he's off the hook? Police say they have no evidence marijuana was in his body. Read. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?

This is where race becomes involved; not being biased or judgmental, but I truly feel this is a racial issue. This Olympian, one who represents the whole United States is off the hook for marijuana, whereas, if it were another person, per say, an African-American man, he would be charged, lose his endorsements, labeled as a negative role model, the whole nine yards. The judicial system would have no problem locking him up and possibly searching to find other things to charge him with. But, here Michael Phelps is, admitted to the bong in his hand, photo'd (there's your proof) and let off the hook!?!?

Please, I know "life isn't fair," but does this seem right? How can you represent a whole country, break a law and get away with it? Now, watch something happen with an African-American male and they lose their whole career. I am a bit disturbed right now! I truly would not want this man, this Olympian representing my country, now he thinks he can get away with his mistakes because he's "Michael Phelps." He should be ashamed of himself!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Post Valentine's Day

Well, it's the day after Valentine's Day and I must say it was NOT the worst, but it will definitely go down in "The Worst Valentine's Day" Hall of Fame.

Of course, in a previous blog, Late Night Blogg'n, I mentioned how I had an incident happen to me and my relationship was over, blah..blah..blah! Well, like any average woman, I called myself letting this man back into my life, thinking things would be different, possibly an improvement, you know..the usual! Well, you know it did...for how long? TuH.. two weeks? I guess...And of course, the peak had to be on Valentine's Day! WHY?? I have no clue.

So, basically, I went out of town this weekend (forgetting it was Valentine's Day weekend) and I ended up NOT celebrating it with my so-called boyfriend, our first time. So, of course throughout the day we sent little cute messages and "I miss you, wish I was with you," text messages, until the sun went down.

I get a phone call, "hello?" No answer. "HelloOoOO..?" No answer. I hang my phone up. I get another phone call, "Hello.." I hear Brandy's, "Human," playing in the background, than, I hear his voice. And he's telling this story about someone's sex-capade...well it happened to be his. (Shaking my head). Now, should I wonder and assume and accuse? NoOoOO...of course not Chell. "It was a joke!" Forget all that, I must have "STUPID" written all over my face!!

And when he tried to explain himself, I was just amazed at how one can really sit there and lie to me. Why? I heard everything, there was no point in lying to cover yourself up. I couldn't even figure out what kind of liar he was, pathological or habitual?

Now, if you click on the two links for the types of liars, you will read that pathological states, "A pathological liar is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused - it is done to get one's way)." And I say this because he could be a pathological liar by lying because he doesn't want to lose me. But, "habitual"/compulsive liar reads, "Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions." Has he been lying to me this whole time? So, which one could he possibly be?

I can no longer endure this so-called "LOVE" he claims he has for me. I can no longer be on the short side of the stick. I can't! No more! So, since I do not TRUST him and can no longer believe what he says, my life must go on...without him! And like I said before, I will be content with it.

So, Happy Valentine's Day to me! *giggle* So, just thought I should share my 2009 V-Day, although 2008 was much better! I enjoyed it and my day was full of happiness, no disappointments. I guess my 2008 V-day was too good, I couldn't have another one two years in a row. *laugh*

Now, I know in the previous blog I said I didn't want to use the statement, "A broken heart is also an open heart," because I felt I wasn't "in love." But, he ALWAYS told me he loved me, but if he loved me, why would he lie to me?? A question for the birds...

But, as usual, my late night blogg'n. I must go now! G'nite Bloggers....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday NAACP

Founded in 1909 by Ida B. Wells-Barnett, W.E.B DuBois, Henry Moscowitz, Mary White Ovington, Oswald Garrison Villard, William English Walling, the NAACP celebrates its 100th birthday!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 11, 1990

Nelson Mandela was released this day from prison in 1990. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Two years ago, a young man that I thought would never impact my life was born.

My two-year-old nephew's birthday is today! Luckily for me, I get to go home and visit him, give him a late birthday gift!

In 2007, my brother held his first child in his hands, meanwhile, I was back in my residence hall in Atlanta, Ga. When I received that phone call at 2am, because I had waited all night for it; I was so excited!! My first nephew was born! While his mother was pregnant, of course one thinks of names, so my half brother and I came up with his name. YeSssSsSSsSs!

Recently, I must say, I love and truly cherish my nephew! (as I'm writing NOW there is a smile on my face). But, I can not wait to see what handsome, gentleman he becomes. I pray for him every night, for wisdom, success and good health throughout his lifetime.

I can't wait to see him this weekend!

Monday, February 9, 2009

February 9

In 1944, novelist, Alice Walker was born in Eatonton, Ga.


In 1971, the Baseball Hall of Fame inducted Leroy "Satchel" Paige

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Month for NAACP

Autherine Lucy and NAACP attorneys Thurgood Marshall and Arthur Shore outside Federal Court in Birmingham during her struggle to integrate the University of Alabama. February, 1956.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bored Blogging!

"Wake up beautiful!" was the first thing I heard when he pulled the comforter off my face and awoke me to the sun rising in my face. There I lay, rubbing my eyes as he calls me "beautiful."

That's exactly what I needed to hear to start my Friday morning.

He was the man who had swept me off my feet on our first date.

He was the man I had been waking up next to every morning for the past two years.

He was the man who made my eyes flutter and my heart smile when he said, "I love you!"

That Friday morning started extremely well, due to the fact I knew I had a good, handsome, loving man, unknowingly forgetting the three inches of paper stacked on my desk as I entered my office.

Rest Peacefully, James Whitmore

I remember him from the Shawshank Redemption. He was the old guy in the prison who had the black bird and eventually got out and didn't like the outside world because he was in prison for so long, that he hung himself!

This Day In Black History

Actor, comedian, Chris Rock was born in 1966.

in 1926, Negro History was originated by Carter G. Woodson (this day was its Observance Day)

Check out African-American History by clicking here!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

February 6, 1950

This day in Black History, infamous, singer-songwriter, Natalie Cole, was born this day in 1950 in Los Angeles, Calif. She has won 8 Grammys since her 1991 debut.
Happy Birthday Natalie!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 5, 1934

This day in Black History, baseball legend, Hank Aaron was born.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lil Wayne's Ignorance

Now, after this video of Lil Wayne on Katie Couric's show, he showed his true ignorance and thought he was appealing. 

So, after a friend of mines saw the show, she was so distraught and upset, she wrote a letter to and fortunately it as posted for viewers to comment. 

February 4

This Day in Black History:

Activist, Rosa Parks was born in 1913. 

Of course, we all know of Rosa Parks, the infamous African-American woman who refused to give up her seat to a white man on the public bus and prompted the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955.